Tag Archives: Events

Larry’s favorite memories of Monterey

(Editor’s note: During the month of August, the ClassicCars.com Journal not only is previewing and covering the various events that comprise Monterey Car Week, but we’re asking our staffers to share their memories of Monterey trips past. We’d also like to share your Monterey memories. If you have stories about Monterey Car Week to share, please send them to us at journal@classiccars.com, and include a photo or two if possible.)

Come to think about it, my first visit to the Monterey Peninsula has nothing to do with what we now know as Car Week. It took place nearly 50 years ago (yikes!) and it involved an assignment to cover the Formula 5000 race at the Laguna Seca race track. 

My rental car was an AMC Javelin, and the first thing I did was to drive Highway 1 down to Big Sur, an exciting undertaking anytime but especially in a rental car with failing brakes.

I also remember the thrill of driving that car around the Laguna Seca race track, though I have no recollection of how I talked my way beyond the paddock. I also recall being amazed at Jody Scheckter, the young South African who was dominating the series, and who a few years later would win the F1 world championship.

But my favorite memory of that trip was a dinner with the late Tony Adamowicz. The conversation was only a little about racing and a lot about his time working in the Kennedy and Johnson White House.

I wouldn’t return to the Monterey Peninsula until the mid-1990s, to cover an Indy car race at Laguna Seca. My oldest daughter, 11 years old at the time, went with me and I’ll never forget the frigid shock that surged through my body when she insisted we go swimming in Monterey Bay. 

It was probably about that same period of time that I attended the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance for the first time, and also a new event on the calendar called Concorso Italiano. Another new event started a few years later, The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering. 

Pebble Beach tourPebble Beach tour
You don’t have to go to the concours to see the great cars. On Thursday they take to local roads for the Tour d’Elegance. Get a map, pick your spot and enjoy the parade

I pretty much have been a regular holder of Pebble Beach press credentials this century, though I have yet to correctly predict which car the judges will proclaim as the Best of Show. 

I’ve done Dawn Patrol, been fortunate a few times to be invited into someone’s hospitality suite during the concours, and one year stayed well after the awards ceremony doing a long interview with BMW car designer Chris Bangle.

Ah, for the good ol’ days when there was a parking lot just across from the Lodge reserved for members of the media!

Among other Monterey memories are finding a place along the route and watching the cars drive past on the Tour d’Elegance; discovering the wonderful community of Pacific Grove, it’s free car shows and the amazing breakfast menu at its Victorian Corner Restaurant; realizing the benefits of wearing soft golf spikes when covering car events on golf course fairways; driving some amazing cars — including a Ford GT and an early Mitsubishi Evo — on some amazing roads, especially those in the Peninsula’s eastern hills; speaking of discoveries, finding Angelina’s Bakery and Deli in Seaside, and why did it take me so long to discover Monterey’s Fish House? 

Monterey, Larry’s favorite memories of Monterey, ClassicCars.com JournalMonterey, Larry’s favorite memories of Monterey, ClassicCars.com Journal

Walk up the hill from the Pebble Beach concours and discover a wonderful display of Japanese cars… and someday some might work their way down to the 18th Fairway, I hope

I’ll conclude with two of my fondest memories: 

For the past few years, Bob Golfen and I have driven to and from Monterey together. We argue and laugh, stop on the way each year at Blackwells Corner General Store, where James Dean made his last stop, and on the way back eat at a delightful Mexican restaurant in Boron, just across from the 20 Mule Team Museum.

One more: One year I got to stay as a guest at the Inn at Spanish Bay. I was returning to my room from dinner, heard a piano playing somewhere down the long hallway. I turned a corner and there was the piano. Sitting at the keyboard was Adrien Brody, the actor who had just starred in the movie The Pianist. He was playing a lovely melody, and serenading a lovely young woman.

It was quite a moment, truly a Monterey moment.

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Full circle: Mom’s rotary-powered Mazda begets son’s devotion

Back in 1975, Pete Todd’s father bought Pete’s mother a 3-year-old Mazda RX-4 sedan. Pete was around 9 years old at the time. 

He didn’t care at all for the 4-door sedan, but “I fell in love with the engine,” he said this past weekend as he displayed his own Mazda RX-4 at the weekly Car Show on Eastern staged by Celebrity Cars Las Vegas.

The Black British youngster was fascinated by an engine so different from those in most cars. Later, while in a mechanical-engineering class, he helped a mechanic friend of his father’s rebuild that engine and got to see its internal workings.

Todd moved from his native England to the United States in 1984 and said he spent more than 20 years searching for a rotary-powered RX-4 of his own.

Much to his surprise, he finally found one not far from his home in Las Vegas, and it was a sleek coupe rather than sedan. However, it was in pieces in a storage unit. 

This 13B engine is the four one Pete Todd had built and used in his vintage MX-4

The tale is familiar, the vehicle’s owner had removed the interior and the gas tank and had planned to do a full restoration of the car but, of course, had never gotten around to it, and finally realized it was someone else’s turn.

The seller wanted $6,000.

Pete called his father for advice. He offered this advice, quite fitting coming from an accountant: “Do you have the money to restore it?”

Pete did, and his car and its rotary engine, displayed with the front-hinged hood open, constantly drew inquisitive visitors during the show. 

It’s likely that many at the show were unfamiliar with the sleek RX-4 coupe, but it is the engine — the 13B — rather than the car itself that is of primary interest to Pete Todd. 

MX-4 takes its place in weekly show at Park Place parking lot

“This is the fourth engine I’ve put in it,” Todd said, explaining that he’s fascinated with the Mazda rotary powerplant and has a book by long-time Mazda IMSA racer Jim Downing explaining the various ideas Downing and his team had for Mazda rotaries. Todd often uses those ideas for the basis of his engine building.

Mazda produced the 13B for more than 30 years. Instead of traditional pistons, the rotary, created by German engineer Felix Wankel, is based on triangular-shaped rotors that turn within a combustion chamber. As the rotor turns, fuel is drawn in, ignited and expelled. 

The 13B has two such rotors. Displacement is only 1,300cc (80cid).  Rotaries are known for their stout power-to-weight ratio, and the 13B also was used in the Mazda RX-7 sports car. The original 13B, as in his mother’s car, was rated at 110 horsepower but that figure can be boosted with turbo or supercharging. 

The one currently in his RX-4 also is a 13B, but modified to produce 330 horsepower with an 11,000 rpm redline.

Todd often shows his RX-4 at various events in the Vegas area, and on occasion drives it shows in California.

Although he looks much younger than his 54 years, Todd said he has been well accepted at shows, though people are surprised by his car.

“You’re Black,” he said he’s informed by some car owners. “You’re not supposed to be into foreign cars. You’re supposed to be into Cadillacs or other luxury cars.”  

He laughs. Some stereotypes die hard. Fortunately, there is room for diversity — by generation, by gender, by ethnicity, by whatever — in the collector car hobby.

Typically 200 cars turn out for the Car Show on Eastern, but on February 6 that plateau was passed quickly
Starsky & Hutch special edition 1976 Ford Gran Torino from 2004 movie

There were other lessons to be learned from the Car Show on Eastern. Whether it was pandemic-induced cabin fever or a sunny break in what has been rather chilly winter weather, the turnout for the recent gathering demonstrated that you had better arrive early if you want a place to park your cherished vehicle. 

The show runs Saturday mornings from 7 to 10 and typically draws around 200 vehicles. But that figure was surpassed early in the day February 6, with those arriving after 8 a.m. left to park in the farther reaches of the Park Place shopping center on Eastern Avenue in Henderson, just up the hill from Las Vegas.

Lesson One: Arrive early at your local show.

Also, observe no-parking signs or risk being ticketed or towed. 

There was another aspect of the Car Show on Eastern that also applies to other locations. It’s another stereotype that needs to be overcome.

The show host interrupted the music that accompanies the event to remind — to urge — those showing their cars to exit the parking lot and join regular traffic with almost extreme calm and caution. No loud revving of engines. No tire squealing burnouts. No nothing that offends.

“Don’t be a jackass!” was the plea.

Police departments across the country are responding to complaints about the way vehicles are being driven out of parking lots after shows, which in some cases it have led to shows being shut down. 

For the sake of car shows everywhere, the admonition is worth repeating: “Don’t be a jackass!”