Tag Archives: entertainment culture

Carts of Darkness Turns Shopping Carts Into Extreme Sport Vehicles

Back in 2008, Murray Siple released a documentary with the National Film Board of Canada called Carts of Darkness. It follows a group of homeless men in Vancouver, British Columbia that found dual uses for shopping carts: a vessel for picking up glass bottles that can be recycled for the money they need to survive and a vehicle for extreme sports.

It sounds wild, and it is, but in Siple’s hands, it actually becomes a fascinating and heartwarming story. Siple had grown up blending sports—including snowboarding and mountain biking—and filmmaking to create his dream career. But a car accident in 1996 left him without the use of his legs; unable to do the sports he loved, Siple also lost interest in film.

Carts of Darkness was his first time getting back into the swing of things in almost a decade. Part of the reason he wanted to make this documentary was because he felt a deep empathy for the men who found their thrills racing shopping carts. All because he decided to say hello to the men he saw dropping off bottles at the recycling center.


“The film is a combination of myself and these characters who are, presumably, homeless and have their issues. But at the same time, we all get a thrill out of extreme sports and the act of having fun being an outsider,” Siple told Straight back in 2008. “There’s a freedom in their lifestyle that I was jealous of. They don’t have the commitments that—I’ll use the word—˜regular’ people do. They don’t have bills, cellphones, and they don’t even have IDs.”

For the men Siple follows in the film, life is made worth it by one long, fast run down the steepest hills in Vancouver. And Siple seems to take comfort in that fact because, with them, he’s not an outsider. He’s just another guy that’s gone through some shit but figured out how to muscle through.

It’s a fascinating look at a genre of extreme sport I never knew existed. The full documentary is available on YouTube.

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Jeep Pulls Bruce Springsteen Ad From YouTube After DWI News

Illustration for article titled Jeep Pulls Bruce Springsteen Ad From YouTube After DWI News

Screenshot: Jeep

Bruce Springsteen, who is a musician, was reportedly arrested on November 14 and charged with DWI, but that news didn’t surface until today. This was highly inconvenient for Jeep, which ran a long and presumably very expensive ad featuring The Boss during the Super Bowl on Sunday. The ad is apparently in the midst of being pulled.

The ad is currently nowhere to be seen on Jeep’s YouTube account, nor is it on Jeep’s Instagram; you can find unofficial versions of it on YouTube if you go looking, or if you go to the Instagram account of Bruce himself. But it has ostensibly been pulled from official Jeep accounts. I emailed Jeep to see what the situation is and will update this post if they respond.

Which is where I will stop to note that the order of events here is a bit bizarre. Springsteen was charged with the DWI way back in November, but he didn’t shoot the Jeep ad until later, in the last few weeks, according to Ad Age. Which begs the question: Springsteen and/or his people didn’t give Jeep a heads-up about the DWI in the time in between? A bit rude, but Springsteen doesn’t really do ads so maybe he’s just out of practice.


Also, The Boss has a pretty clean image so there’s no reason Jeep should expect for something like this to have happened, but I dunno, call me crazy, Jeep is a car brand, I would hope that some people in its marketing department might ask if the big star of its Super Bowl commercial has had any recent DWI trouble.

Either way, it’s an expensive headache for Jeep. And, to be clear, driving drunk — as it has been alleged Springsteen did — is unacceptable in any circumstance. In 2020, or 2021, you have no excuse.