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Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival

The tweet also embedded this video:

The video is one of those vague, arty-ish PR things designed to just convey some sort of general tone and feeling, and it does just that. And while no specific goals were made clear beyond some general nods to exploration, unity, accessibility, climate issues, and humanity’s past space achievements, there are some interesting images in there worth a bit more scrutiny.

Like this one:

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


That’s a Mercury capsule, the first crewed spacecraft Americans used in the early 1960s. This image seems to show a Mercury docked to some sort of orbiting…equipment, something that never actually happened in any Mercury mission.

This one seems to be a little bit of a troll to our particular audience:

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


Yeah, it’s some dude shifting what looks like an automatic transmission as if it was a manual. I mean, he could be shifting from N to D or D to 2 or something, but still.

This next one may be more of a hint as to Privateer’s plans:

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


So, some sort of orbital network? For what purpose? No idea.

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


Hey, it’s Sally Ride, on the Space Shuttle Challenger. Not sure why she’s shown, but hello, Sally.

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


This shot above looks like the interior of a Soviet/Russian Soyuz capsule during re-entry. I don’t think it’s actual footage, but a recreation.

Speaking of not actual, this does not appear to be the actual ISS:

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


It looks like the International Space Station, but note that large habitation ring and the different pressurized module shapes. Maybe it’s a future variant of the station?

I don’t think I really learned all that much from the video, other than they made decisions to show space events and hardware that aren’t ones that actually existed, for some reason.


There’s been some discussion that the company is going to be in the orbital-junk cleanup business, possibly with spacecraft made from 3D-printed titanium, as a company called Desktop Metal reported that Privateer is one of their first customers to use the tech.

Image for article titled Tech Icon Steve Wozniak May Be Starting A New SpaceX Rival
Image: Privateer


It appears the company will keep quiet until the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference, starting tomorrow.

I’m very curious to see what this is about, because Steve Wozniak isn’t really the same kind of person as the tech billionaires who have started space companies so far.


Wozniak has always been more about making technology accessible and useful to everyone, donating time and equipment to school districts, and he’s fundamentally a great engineer with a true love for machines.

Did you know how the dude managed to get high-resolution color on the Apple II by exploiting a quirk of how televisions produce color? He managed to get six colors on a 280×192 pixel screen with a handful of chips, while it took IBM’s CGA graphics card well over 100 chips just to get four colors on a 320×200 screen!


If whatever that is can be translated to doing something in space, well, then I’m excited.

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Apple Car Contract Will Probably Go To LG And Magna: Report

Illustration for article titled Apple Car Contract Will Probably Go To LG And Magna: Report
Photo: Josh Edelson/AFP (Getty Images)

Wow, it’s been a hot minute since there was new Apple Car news, huh? Ever since the will-they/won’t-they saga between the tech giant and Hyundai fizzled into the troposphere, things have been astonishingly quiet. Too quiet. Apple needed another willing partner, or partners, to get things moving again. It appears it’s found them in Magna and LG.


Magna and LG’s joint electric powertrain business is reportedly close to inking an agreement with Apple to collaborate on the company’s long-rumored semi-autonomous EV, according to the Korea Times:

“LG Magna e-Powertrain is very near to signing contracts with Apple under which they could handle the initial volume production of Apple EVs. Contract details are still being discussed,” a source familiar with the issue told The Korea Times, Tuesday.

The production volume the joint venture could handle won’t be that huge as Apple is mostly intending to use its first-generation EVs as an opportunity to evaluate their marketability, according to the source. “Because LG Group affiliates including LG Display, LG Chem, LG Energy Solution and LG Innotek are already included in Apple’s parts supply chain, Apple doesn’t have to worry about any supply chain issues. These LG affiliate are qualified to guarantee production yields and faster delivery of parts needed for Apple EVs.”

There are a couple of reasons why this potential deal seems more likely to work out than Apple’s previous flirtation with Hyundai. Magna is a contract manufacturer by trade, of course, and LG is one of Apple’s existing suppliers. LG produces monitors sold via Apple’s retail channels and recently got out of the smartphone game, too. While they’re both tech companies, they’re not necessarily opposing each other in many product categories these days.

What’s more, as suppliers and manufacturers, neither LG nor Magna will likely take issue with Apple claiming all the credit for this car in the way that Hyundai was reportedly very uncomfortable doing.

All in all, it just makes more sense than the Apple-Hyundai partnership, which seemed doomed from the start. The Korean automaker telegraphed its insecurity and ambivalence about the whole proposal every chance it got, and all of us watching were like guests at an ill-advised engagement party that everyone knew was destined to end in tears.

The timing couldn’t be better for LG in particular, which minted its LG Magna e-Powertrain collaboration in December and hacked off its mobile division earlier this month. The joint venture aims to marry “Magna’s strength in electric powertrain systems and world-class automotive manufacturing with LG’s expertise in component development for e-motors and inverters” according to the companies’ shared press release. An Apple EV project would certainly mark quite the new revenue stream to kick things off.


And Apple itself is no longer shying away from admitting that it’s really, really interested in cars. In an interview on the New York Times’ Sway podcast published April 5, Apple CEO Tim Cook compared autonomous cars to robots, adding “we’ll see what Apple does.” NYT’s Kara Swisher pressed Cook on whether that’d take the shape of a full car or merely software, to which Cook responded:

We love to integrate hardware, software and services, and find the intersection points of those because we think that’s where the magic occurs. And so that’s what we love to do. And we love to own the primary technology that’s around that.


Seems like Cook might’ve finally found some friends willing to help Apple do exactly that.